MBSA Garis Panduan Skim Kejiranan Berpengawal

*(Terimakasih & Penghargaan kpd MBSA)


*Scheme approval is on a temporary basis and up to a max of 3 calendar years; After the expiry period, a new application must be submitted after obtaining the required consent from the residents again; A 100% consent from residents is needed for implementing any auto gate with access card system; The scheme cannot be forced upon the residents (no coercing of participation).


*Auto gate with access card system is not allowed (usage prohibited unless there is 100% residents participation).


*Not allowed to block/close any roads (vehicles cannot be blocked from moving in/out); Non-participating residents, including the public cannot be obstructed from access to the residence at all times.


*Security guards cannot obstruct any vehicles from moving in/out of the residence at all times; They are not allowed to ask/check any resident's or visitor's identification document; They are also not allowed to scan or take a picture of it for any purpose.


*List of names (security guards) for KDN's vetting and approval to be provided; Timetable and the no of persons on duty by shifts to be provided for MBSA's record; Approval period is for 3 calendar years.


*All details of the RA (residents association) including contact details, names of committee members, approvals references, dates of approvals, security guard shifts details, MBSA ref no./dates, ref no approvals from the Land Office, must be stated on the notice board.
*(Sumber: Garis Panduan Skim Komuniti Berpengawal terbitan MBSA; Terimakasih & Penghargaan kpd MBSA)


GC vs GN scheme

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